We strive to build up the resources in introducing Buddhism. For the Ten Schools in Chinese Buddhism, we have discussed six of them. In this issue, we continue to introduce the seventh one, Tien Tai school. It is the first truly Chinese Buddhist school developed without any Indian root. Similar to Hua Yen school, it embodies all teachings of the Buddha in different stages and for different levels by establishing a scheme of classification. Both schools represent the philosophical aspects in Chinese Buddhism. We shall compare the two schools in the next issue.

In the Resources, we start to post another great Sutra in Chinese Buddhism, Platform Sutra. It is the story and the teachings of the remarkable Sixth Patriarch of Ch'an school in China, Master Hui Neng. Although Hui Neng was an illiterate, he was enlightened when he heard of a phrase of Diamond Sutra. Normally, only the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha was said to be 'Sutra', however, the teaching of Hui Neng was so accurate and profound that it has been respected as 'Sutra' too, The Sutra is fairly long, so we shall post the first half in this issue and the other half in the next.

Don't forget to surf in the website of Tung Lin Kok Yuen Society, where we will find an article written by Juliet Lau, one of the directors of the Society. Ms. Lau has practiced Zazen (sitting meditation) with Roshi Martin in the Tung Lin Kok Yuen Temple for years in Vancouver. It is her personal experience which may give a good reference to the readers who wish to practice mediatation.

Further to the feedback from the survey, we plan to open a new section like Q & A, or FAQ to address some questions about Buddhism. The questions will be gathered in groups under different topics. The readers are encouraged to put forward any questions to us, so that we can get you the answers.