Buddhist Door Survey
June - December 2003




1. When did you first start to visit Buddhist Door?

9.5 since mid-1990s
23.8 since year 2000
4.8 since year 2001
61.9 just recently


2. How often do you visit Buddhist Door?

38.1 regularly, more than once per issue (2 months)
38.1 regularly, once per issue
19.0 occasionally
(no response: 4.8%)


3. You visit Buddhist Door because

47.6 you are devoted or interested in Buddhism
33.3 you find this site useful
14.3 you are curious about Buddhism
- of no particular reason
(no response: 4.8%)


4. You learn about this site from

9.5 a friend
23.8 Tung Lin Kok Yuen (our sponsor)
42.9 the Web
19.0 other channels
(no response: 4.8%)


5. Among the sections in this site, you are interested in
   (please select all that apply)

71.4 current issue of Buddhist Door
52.4 past issues of Buddhist Door
76.2 Buddhist Door archive (series & articles)
76.2 resources (glossary & sutras)
28.6 Tung Lin Kok Yuen web site
(no response: 4.8%)


6. Which particular section in Buddhist Door do you like most

- Buddhist art
9.5 Dharma Dew
19.0 Sutra Commentary
9.5 Zen Story
28.6 Buddhism in a Nutshell
- quiz
- archive
4.8 past issues
4.8 glossary
19.0 sutra collection
(no response: 4.8%)

and why? (please select all that apply)

81.0 content is informative, instructive
42.9 content is interesting
19.0 layout is pleasant
(no response: 4.8%)

other reasons:

· website is very user friendly


7. Which particular section in Buddhist Door are you least interested in:

9.4 Buddhist art
4.8 Dharma Dew
- Sutra Commentary
4.8 Zen Story
9.4 Buddhism in a Nutshell
47.6 quiz
4.8 archive
4.8 past issues
4.8 glossary
4.8 sutra collection
(no response: 4.8%)

and why? (please select all that apply)

4.8 poor content
28.5 dull
- poor design
(no response: 66.7%)

other reasons:

for Nutshell: · The title itself is discouraging
for Quiz: · No interest in doing quiz
· Inexplicable
· I am more interested in sections that teach and show me images
· Not got to that bit as yet
for past issues: · They have been and read
for Glossary: · No special reason, I don't use it much


8. If you are interested in our glossary, your preference is:

9.5 a search engine
14.3 alphabetic lists
61.9 or both
(no response: 14.3%)


9. In general, your opinion on the coverage of Buddhist Door:

19.0 should be broader
76.2 is about right
- should be more focussed
(no response: 4.8%)


10. In general, your opinion on the depth of our articles:

19.0 should be more profound
62.0 is about right
19.0 should be more suited to laymen


Demographic distributions:


A. Your gender:

42.9 Female
57.1 Male


B. Your age group:

- 19 and below
28.5 20 - 39
61.9 40 - 59
4.8 60 and above
(no response: 4.8%)


C. The region where you are living:

57.1 North America
19.1 China, Japan, Korean, and South-East Asia
9.5 Europe

Other areas in the World


Thank you for your interest and participation in this survey.