Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Canada Society

Proudly Presents
Buddhist Door
The Buddhist WWW Magazine

Copyright © Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Canada Society, 1996

Click here to read about this issue's highlights

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Welcome to the twelfth issue of "Buddhist Door", a monthly Internet magazine on Buddhism.

Over the last year, our magazine has a number of series such as Heart Sutra and Buddhist Life. In order to facilitate the navigation of the contents that span across multiple issues, we introduce a Master Index. Please try using it and let us know whether you like it or not.

Buddhism in a Nutshell carries on to Part X in this issue. Topics include further aspects about Cultivation. Practice of Meditation comes to the finale in this issue. In a new section "Zen Story", we present the first story to you in this issue.

In the section on the Diamond Sutra, we present the commentaries of chapters 6, 7 and 8. Reverend Eshin contributes another article, "Confused Mind, Clear Mind".

In response to the request of some readers, we start a section of questions and answers. The first topic is on Rebirth. Our extensive glossary of Buddhist terminology is available for your reference.

If you missed our past issues, please take some time to browse through them.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know. We hope you will continue to enjoy our magazine.